21 Days of Consecration – 2025

Discovering and Devoting Ourselves to the Kingdom Better

Note: We will be having prayer in the morning from 9-10am and in the evening 7-8pm. Prayer will be the focus and anchor of the 21 Days of Consecration.

Week 1: Discovering the Kingdom (January 5–11)

Theme: Choosing the Kingdom Over Comfort

Weekly Focus:

●  Prayer: Asking God to expose areas where our love for comfort replaces love for His Kingdom.

●  Sacrifice: Disrupting habits and priorities that keep us tethered to earthly comforts.

●  Daily Progress: Choosing daily to seek the Kingdom over self-preservation.

Daily Themes:

  1. Day 1 (Jan. 5): The Call to Radical Devotion – Luke 9:23-24

    ○ Reflection: Am I willing to deny myself to follow Jesus?

    ○ Action: Surrender one comfort or routine to prioritize prayer.

  2. Day 2 (Jan. 6): Trading Worry for Trust – Matthew 6:25-34

    ○ Reflection: Do I trust God to provide, or am I clinging to control?

    ○ Action: Spend time in prayer, surrendering one specific worry to God.

  3. Day 3 (Jan. 7): Breaking the Love of Possessions – Mark 10:21-22

    ○ Reflection: Is my heart tied to earthly things?

    ○ Action: Give away something meaningful to bless someone else.

  4. Day 4 (Jan. 8): Kingdom Priorities Over Personal Gain – Philippians 3:7-8

    • ○  Reflection: What do I value more than knowing Jesus?

    • ○  Action: Spend an extra 15 minutes seeking Jesus in prayer or Scripture.

  5. Day 5 (Jan. 9): Seeking Holiness Over Happiness – 1Peter 1:15-16

    ○ Reflection: Am I pursuing personal happiness or Kingdom holiness?

    ○ Action: Identify one behavior that dishonors God and repent.

  6. Day 6 (Jan. 10): Loving Others Like Jesus – John 13:34-35                                                                                 ○ Reflection: Is my love for others sacrificial and Christlike?

          ○ Action: Reach out to someone you find difficult to love and encourage them.

7.  Day 7 (Jan. 11): Following at Any Cost – Matthew 16:24-26
○ Reflection: Am I willing to lose everything for the sake of Jesus?
○ Action: Write a prayer committing to follow Jesus no matter the cost.

Week 2: Devoting to the Kingdom (January 12–18)

Theme: Choosing Kingdom Values Over Worldly Values

Weekly Focus:
● Prayer: Asking God to align our values with His Kingdom principles. ● Sacrifice: Surrendering worldly ambitions and goals.
● Daily Progress: Practicing radical obedience to Kingdom values.

Daily Themes:

  1. Day 8 (Jan. 12): Living for the Eternal – Colossians 3:2

    ○ Reflection: Am I focused on eternal things or temporary pleasures?

    ○ Action: Set aside time to meditate on heaven and eternity.

  2. Day 9 (Jan. 13): Humility Over Pride – Philippians 2:3-4

    ○ Reflection: Do I serve others selflessly, or do I seek recognition?

    ○ Action: Perform one act of anonymous service today.

  3. Day 10 (Jan. 14): Purity Over Compromise – Matthew 5:8

    ○ Reflection: Where have I allowed compromise into my life?

    ○ Action: Remove one source of temptation (e.g., media, environment).

  4. Day 11 (Jan. 15): Kingdom Vision Over Personal Goals – Proverbs


    ○ Reflection: Do my goals align with God’s purpose for my life?

    ○ Action: Write or revise your goals with God’s Kingdom in mind.

  5. Day 12 (Jan. 16): Kingdom Power in Weakness – 2 Corinthians 12:9

    • ○  Reflection: Do I rely on God’s power or my own strength?

    • ○  Action: Spend 5 minutes praying for the Holy Spirit’s strength in a

      specific area.

  6. Day 13 (Jan. 17): Generosity Over Greed – Acts 20:35

    ○ Reflection: Am I using my resources to advance the Kingdom?

    ○ Action: Give sacrificially to someone in need or to a Kingdom cause.

  7. Day 14 (Jan. 18): Obedience Over Convenience – John 14:15

    • ○  Reflection: Am I delaying obedience because it’s inconvenient?

    • ○  Action: Act immediately on something God has been prompting you to do.

Week 3: Advancing the Kingdom (January 19–26)

Theme: Choosing to Be Kingdom Ambassadors

Weekly Focus:
● Prayer: Praying for boldness and effectiveness in advancing the Kingdom.

● Sacrifice: Letting go of fear or hesitation to step into Kingdom purpose.

● Daily Progress: Living daily as representatives of Jesus.

Daily Themes:
    1. Day 15 (Jan. 19): The Power of Witness – Acts 1:8

           ○  Reflection: Am I actively sharing the message of the Kingdom?

           ○  Action: Pray for someone who needs Jesus and look for an opportunity to share.

2. Day 16 (Jan. 20): Serving Over Selfishness – Mark 10:45

○ Reflection: Am I serving as Jesus served?

○ Action: Volunteer your time to serve someone in need today.

3. Day 17 (Jan. 21): Courage Over Fear – Joshua 1:9

  • ○  Reflection: What fear is holding me back from Kingdom impact?

  • ○  Action: Take one bold step to overcome fear and advance God’s mission.

    4. Day 18 (Jan. 22): The Better Treasure – Matthew 13:44

    ○ Reflection: Is Jesus my greatest treasure?

    ○ Action: Sacrifice something valuable to focus more on Christ. 5. Day 19 (Jan. 23): Walking in Authority – Luke 10:19

    ○ Reflection: Am I walking in the authority Jesus has given me?

    ○ Action: Declare victory in an area of spiritual struggle through prayer. 6. Day 20 (Jan. 24): Unity in the Kingdom – John 17:21

  • ○  Reflection: Am I living in unity with other believers?

  • ○  Action: Reconcile with someone or strengthen a relationship in the church.
    7. Day 21 (Jan. 25): Finishing Well – 2 Timothy 4:7-8

  • ○  Reflection: How has my perspective on the Kingdom changed in 21 days?

  • ○  Action: Write or share your testimony of transformation.

    Closing Service (Sunday Evening Jan. 26, 6 PM)
    ● Consecration Prayer: Recommit the congregation to living for Jesus radically.

● Communion: Celebrate the better covenant in Jesus’s blood.
● Testimonies: Highlight stories of choosing the Kingdom over lesser things.